Adding an Article

To add an article you will need to create an “Article Introduction”. The introduction is used to generate interest before the user clicks the “Read More” link. The introduction may contain text, image, and file just like the “Standard Content” module. Use the “Article > Add Introduction” box to start an article. Once you have entered in your introduction, click the “Save” button. If you need assistance with adding content see the “Adding Blocks of Information”.

The next step is to add your main article content. This is the content that the user will see after they click the “Read More” link from the introduction. Below where you added the article introduction you should see a box labeled “Articles”, this is where all your articles that you have created will be displayed. The articles are displayed by the article introduction. From here you can add or edit article content by clicking the “Edit Article” link. Also you are able to edit the article introduction, re-order the articles or delete the article.

Within your main article you are able to add multiple blocks of information just like you would be able to with the “Standard Content” module. This means that you can add text, image, or a file and re-order them within the article. Once you have added content to your article, click the “Save” button.

To view your articles, log out of the administration and navigate to the articles page. Note the “Read More” link; this is what users click to view the entire article. Also note the paging at the bottom, this will display when you have “Articles on page” enabled.

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