Page Introduction

To add a “Page Introduction”, navigate to the page that is using the “Product Listing” module and go to the box labeled “Product->Page Introduction” which will be located at the top of the page.

Notice that there are a few additional options to the products listing. The first one is called “Compact Listing”. You can either display your products as an “Expanded Listing”, which is the default listing type, or you can choose “Compact Listing”. Examples of what the two listings look like are shown below:



To enable or disable the “Compact Listing” click the checkbox. Depending on how many products you have, each one has its benefits and drawbacks. Next is “Layout”, this only applied to when company listened is enabled. This allows you choose how many products you would like across and down. The last option is “Products per page”, which applies only to the “Expanded” listing, would enable paging. For example, to have “5” products per page, you would type “5” into the box. To disable paging, simply type “0” into the box. To add an image, click the “Image” tab to expand the image options. For more information about adding images, please refer to the “Adding Images” portion of the manual. When you have entered your introduction and selected your options, click the “Save” button. To add a file, click the “File” tab to expand the file options. For more information about adding files, please refer to the “Adding Files” portion of the manual.

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