Recent Items
Recent Items allows you to view, at a glance, any phone calls or tasks that are assigned to the logged in user. Also you are able to view any calendar events that are happening for the current day.
When you login, recent items will be the default page. If recent items is not the current page, click the “Recent Items” link in the side navigation. At the top of the page you should see a welcome message with the current date.
There are three sections to “Recent Items”;
- Tasks – shows recent tasks that are assigned to the current user. Tasks are displayed when the task is not completed, and the start date is the current day or in the past. To view the task details, click the “View” link.
- Calendar Events – shows events that are occurring for the current day. The “edit” link will appear if the logged in user created the event.
- Phone Calls – shows incoming and outgoing phone calls that are assigned to the user. All phone calls will appear that are not completed. Calls are displayed by date. To view details on the call, click the “View” link.