Creating a Form

You should now be able to see a box labeled “Email Form > Form Creation”, this is where you can create the fields that will be displayed on your form. An example is shown on the following page.

The “Name of Field” column is where you will name your fields that you would like to have. The most common examples are name, address, email, comments, etc. The next column is “Type”. By clicking on the dropdown box you can choose the type of response from the user, which can be “Single Line” text box, “Multi Line” text box, “Checkbox”, “File Upload” or “Label”. The next column is “Required”; this is where you decide if you would like your field to be mandatory for the user to fill out before they are able to send the form. As you can see there is also an order box, where you are able to order the fields. If a field is left blank it will not be shown on your website. To save your fields and/or changes click the “Save Form” button, or if you would like to add another field, click the “Add Field” button.

If you have a file upload input type in the form, the files that are uploaded will show up in the “Email Form->Files Uploaded” section.

Files uploaded will be kept for 14 days which is shown in the removal date column. To delete the file, click the delete link.

To view what your completed form looks like, logout of the administration and navigate to the page with the email form. Your form should look like something similar to the example below. Note that any fields that you have chosen to be “Required” will have an asterisk (*) beside it.

As you can see there is an extra field located below the fields that you created called “Verification”. This is a required field that is added for your protection to stop your form from being abused. The user will need to enter into that field the numbers and letters corresponding to the image that is beside the text field.

Although an email form can contain unlimited fields, we suggest that you only ask for limited and pertinent information. This will make it easier on your users, as many users are reluctant to fill out extensive forms.

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