Gallery Description

Before an image can be added, you will need to configure the “Gallery Description”. Navigate to the page that is using the “Image Gallery” module and go to the box labeled “Gallery Description” which will be located at the top of the page. Here you are able to add an optional detailed description using the Rich Text Editor.

Notice above the description field there is a “Layout” field. This is where you can specify how many images you would like across and down on your page. The most default layout is 3 across by 3 down. The maximum layout is 7 across by 7 down. Keep in mind that the more images you have across the page the smaller the images will be. The layout can be changed at anytime, and will automatically re-size the thumbnails.

The “Enable Gallery Search” option allows you to add a search box to your gallery. This will allow users to search your image captions by keyword. To enable this feature simply check the checkbox. The “Reverse Order” option allows you to reverse the order, this makes it easier to display newer photos first without having to re-order each image. To enable this option simply check the checkbox. The “Enable Categories” options enables categories. For more information on “Categories” refer to the “Managing Categories” section. The last option is “Display All Category” which only works if you have categories enable, it adds a category of “All” to all the user to view all images in all the categories.

To add an image, click the “Image” tab to expand the image options. For more information on adding images, refer to the “Adding Images” portion of the manual. To add a file, click the “File” tab to expand the image options. For more information about adding files, please refer to the “Adding Files” portion of the manual. When you have made your changes, click the “Save” button.

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