Adding an Image

Now you should see the “Image Gallery > Image Upload” box located below. This is where you can upload images to your gallery. There are three image upload boxes. You may upload up to three images up to a time, or you can upload one.

Notice there is no options to size your image; this is automatically done for you. The image gallery creates the appropriate sized thumbnail, and then sizes the image to be larger when the thumbnail is clicked on. There is no limit to how many images you can upload to the gallery. Remember that the maximum image file size is 500kb.

As you can see, there is also an optional caption that you can put below your image. If you have categories enabled there will a box where you can select the category. To select multiple categories hold down the “ctrl” or “shift” key. Once you have selected your image click the “Upload Image” button.

Now you should see the image you have uploaded under a box labeled “Gallery”. From here you can edit, delete and re-order your images. To save the order, click the “Save Order” button.

To view your image gallery, logout of the administration and navigate to the page that is using the “Image Gallery” module. You should see something similar to the example below:

If you have the “Gallery search” option enabled, you will see a search box located above the gallery. If you have “Categories” enabled you will see a dropdown box with the categories. To expand an image, click the thumbnail and it will open the image in a new window, or if you click the “View Slide Show” link on the bottom of the gallery you can view a slideshow of the entire gallery. Also note there is paging added at the bottom for when you have lots of images within your gallery.

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