Page Introduction

To add an optional “Page Introduction”, navigate to the page that is using the “Forum” module and go to the box labeled “Discussion Forum >Page Introduction” which will be located at the top of the page.

There is the option to enable “guest” posting. This is not generally recommended because anyone can post anything. If this option is not enabled, your viewers will need to register with the website in order to post anything on your forums. For information on how to setup user accounts, please refer to the “User Management” portion of this manual. To add an image, click the “Image” tab to expand the image options. For more information on adding images, refer to the “Adding Images” portion of the manual. To add a file, click the “File” tab to expand the file options. For more information about adding files, please refer to the “Adding Files” portion of the manual. When you have entered your introduction, click the “Save” button.

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