Adding a Message Board

Most discussion forums have multiple message boards on them. When you create a message board you should create it with a specific category or idea in mind. For example, a support board would tell your viewers that the message board entitled “support” is only for support-related questions.

To create a new message board, scroll down the page to the box labeled “Discussion Forum > Add Board”.

There are two fields. Name is required, and description is optional. One you have created your board, you can not edit the name or description. When you have given the board a name, click the “Add Board” button.

Now you should be able to see a box labeled “Discussion Forums”. This is where you can view, edit, delete, and re-order your boards.

To view the threads and posts within specific boards click the board name. Within the board you are also able to add and remove threads or posts. To delete a board, click the checkbox on the far right side, and click the “Delete Board” button. Remember that when you delete a board, you delete all the threads and posts within that board.

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