Managing Permissions

The permissions are where you set which group of highlights can displayed on which page. To set the permissions of a group, navigate to “Manage” page under “Highlights” to the “Highlights>Permission” box.

Select the group from the dropdown menu and click “Select Group.” To select a different group you will need to click the “De-Select” button.

By default, a new group will be denied all pages. To give access to a page, simply click the page name you would like to move under the “Page View Denied” box and click the “<<” button to move it to the “Page View Allowed” box. To select multiple groups hold down the “ctrl” or “shift” key. Every time you move a page from “denied” to “allowed”, it will save. To deny access to a page, select the page name and click the “>>” button to move it to the denied box.

Keep in mind that groups can overlap, so if group 1 and group 2 are both allowed to be displayed on standard content, the highlights from both groups will be displayed.

In the image above, the highlights that are in the “modules” group would display on only the Standard Content, Image Galleries, and Realty Listing pages.

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