Viewing Leads

To view leads that have already been added, click the “View Leads” link in the side navigation.

At the top of the page there is a search box where you are able to search leads.

There are five different ways to search.

  1. Company names starting with letter “A”, “B”, etc.

  2. Lead intensity (This is set in edit leads) See “Edit Lead” for more information.
  3. Call back. (This is set in the edit leads). See “Edit Lead” for more information.

  4. Discontinued leads. These are leads that have been removed.

  5. Added Between. There is a drop down for a start date and end date, as well as whom it was added by. This is useful, for example, a sales rep; to see how many leads he is entered in a month or a year.


When you have selected your search options, click the “Search” button.

If you do not select a search option, by default, leads that have been added in the last 48 hours will be displayed.

There are five columns that are displayed for each lead: Client name, Intensity, Call Back Date, Updated Date, and Update By. To view more information about the lead, click the “Edit” link.

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