Viewing and Editing a Client

To view clients that have already been added, click the “View Leads” link in the side navigation.

At the top of the page there is a search box where you are able to search clients from.

Unlike Leads, there is only one way to search clients. Click the letter “A”, “B”, etc to find a client by the first letter of the company name, or click the “All” link to show all clients. If you click the “Discontinued Services” link, the clients that have been discontinued will be shown.

If you do not select a search option, by default, clients that have been added in the last 48 hours will be displayed.

There are four columns that will be displayed for each client: Client Name, Date Added, Date Updated, and Updated By. To view more information on the client, or to edit the client, click the “Edit” link.

There are four parts to managing clients. Contact Information, Interactions, Tasks, and Leads.

Contact information is the same information that you saw when you added a client, but with two extra options. Below the additional information field, there is one check box: Discontinued. The discontinued box allows you to discontinue a client, so to discontinue, the client check the checkbox and click the “Save” button.

To view interactions, click the “Interaction” link at the top of the Management box.

The interaction will display incoming or outgoing calls that have been made to this client. The calls are grouped by month and year. To see the phone calls for a specific month, click the month name and year.

Once expanded, each phone call will display five columns: Time, Caller, Answered, Assigned, and Completed Date. To view more information about the phone call, click the “HERE” link that is under the More Info column, which will make a new window pop-up with the phone call information To learn more about phone calls, refer to the Incoming or Outgoing calls section.

To view tasks that are in progress or have been completed for the client, click the “Tasks” link. Just like with interactions, to view the tasks under the month, click the month name and year.

Once expanded, each task will display five columns: Time, Title, Status, Created, and Assigned. To view more information about the task, click the “HERE” link that is under the More Info column, which will make a new window pop-up with the task information To learn more about tasks, refer to the Tasks section.

If the client was a lead before they had become a client, you are able to view any lead information by clicking the “Leads” link.

Here is displayed any information that was entered into the leads when the client was a lead. For more information about leads, refer to the Leads section.

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