Outgoing Calls

Outgoing calls are a means to track any calls that are going out of the office. This is a great way to keep track of clients or customers you may have already contacted, or to remember what you talked about. To view and add outgoing calls click the “Outgoing Calls” link in the side navigation.

Just like the incoming calls, there are three parts to the incoming calls. At the top of the page, there is a box labeled “Phone List”. This is where the phone calls will be listed.

Each phone call that is listed will have a time, who was being called, contact name, who made the phone call, who the phone call is assigned to, the completed date if it was completed, and view more info. If a call has not been completed, it will be displayed in a darker color.

Next, on the left is a box labeled “Phone History”. This is where you can view phone calls that have happened in the past.

To view a date, simply click on the day. To switch between months, click the “<<” or “>>” link. The current day will be highlighted with a darker color, as well as any other day that has a phone call that is not completed.

Lastly, on the right side is the box labeled “Phone Call”. This is where you are able to add new phone calls and edit existing phone calls.

When adding a new phone call there is seven different fields. The first one is called by, which is a required field. This is generally the person who is making the call, and by default the user who is logged in will be selected. Next is the assigned to, and also by default it will select the logged in user. To change the assigned to field, simply click the drop down box to select a different person. Next, is the contact name, this is generally the company name. This can either be selected from the drop down box of existing clients or be entered. Next is called, this is generally the name of the person that you are calling. Then there is the phone number, if you select an existing client from the drop down box, the phone number will be automatically entered in the field with the number from the contacts information, and otherwise it can be entered.

The about textbox is where you can enter why you are calling the client, maybe it’s to discuss a meeting or a contract etc.

The “Result” field is where you are able to add additional comments regarding the phone call. Lastly is the completed check box, this is where you are able to say that the call has been completed.

To edit a phone call, click the “View” link beside the phone call under the “Phone List” box at the top of the page. The same fields as the add call will display, but the only fields that you are able to edit are the results field, the assigned to, and the completed check box.

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