Viewing and Editing Tasks

To view current tasks, click the “Tasks” link on the side navigation. You will notice that tasks looks similar to the incoming and outgoing calls. At the top of the page, you will see a box labeled “Tasks – Current Date”. There are two boxes within this box: “Personal Tasks” and “Shared Tasks.”

Tasks are displayed under the date that is the start date of the task. So if the start date is January 1st, 2008 it would display under that date. To view a task that is under another day there are two ways you can change the day. First you could click the “<< Previous” or “Next >>” link. The other way you are able to do it is there is a calendar below where the tasks are displayed on the left hand side that is labeled “Task History.”

If there is more than one task, they will be ordered by priority. As you can see, the priority is a number. The number “1” will represent “Urgent” and the number “5” will represent “Very Low.” The other displayed columns are title, client, status, created, and assigned. The status column will show which phase the task is in. There are three status phases: Not Started, in Progress, and Completed. By default, when the task is first created, the status will always be “Not Started”. The status can easily be changed by editing a task. To edit a task, click the “View” link under the details column.

The edit task looks similar to the same fields that you saw when you added a task, but with a few more options. Once a task has been created you are unable to change the title and the client name. Notice the three new fields are status, time total, and action. To change the status, select the new status from the drop down. One thing to note is that when a task’s status has been set to completed, the fields are not editable. The total time is optional and is useful if you need to keep track of time for a task. Lastly is the action. The action can not be editing, but it shows what each user has done to the task, from assigning the call to adding new details. When you have editing the changes for the call, click the “Update” button.

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