Adding a Planner

To add a planner, navigate to the “Manage Planner” page.

ll the fields are required to create a planner. The first field is planner title, this is name you will give your planner, when viewing or editing a planner, this is the name you will refer to. Select the permissions from the drop down menu, if you select “All”, then all the groups will be able to view and edit the planner. Office is the highest level, only users in this group will be able to see, but they can also view all planners in medium and low. Office Medium can view medium and low, and low can only view low. The planner start and end date will determine when users can add content to the planner. Once the end time has passed, users will not be able to add content to that planner. Planners that have already been added can be seen about the “Add” box.

Here you are able to view start and end date as well as who added the planner. A planner can only be edited by whoever created it. To edit a planner, simply click the “edit” link.

Before content can be added to a planner, sections and categories will need to be created.

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