Add a New Email Account

Before you can add a new account, you will need to login as postmaster.

The postmaster account allows you to manage all the email accounts on your website.

Your postmaster account will always be postmaster@domain name. If you forget your password, please contact Techweavers Inc. and we will help you retrieve your lost password through our verification process.

Once you have logged in, click the "Administration" link in the top navigation.

Click the "New Mail Account" link.

There are five fields that need to be filled out in order to create a new email account. The first one is "Email Account", this is goning to be the username for the new account, for example, Next, is "Quota". The quota is the total size of the email account. Generally this is left blank. Next, is password, after you have entered the password, re-enter in again. Last, is "Real name", which is optional and is where you can enter the real name of the new account.

At the bottom there is a checkbox labeled "Spam Detection". This is automically checked. It is recommended that you do not uncheck this, or else you will allow spam to be sent to this email account.

Once you have completed the fields, click the "Add" button.

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